Inspiration For All Brand Storytelling and Copywriting

It’s not often you get to use the U-word in brand storytelling. But Inspiration for All has it in spades. The genius brainchild of the hugely impressive and inspirational Sarah Caton and Paula Kennedy, Inspiration for All is a leadership programme like no other.

It matches business leaders and school leaders in UNIQUE peer-mentoring partnerships that create fresh perspectives, enhance leadership skills and drive social mobility.

Why is this so vital? Schools are under more pressure than ever. Especially schools in disadvantaged areas. According to Teach First:

- 1 in 4 children live in poverty
- Children on free school meals are 18 months behind by GCSE
- Children excluded from school are 4 times more likely to be from a poor background

These children rely on strong school leaders to inspire and develop teachers, improve school environments, support communication, and build trust. But recruiting and retaining school leaders in such challenging conditions is tough.

Through peer mentoring with business leaders, Inspiration For All makes space for school leaders to put their challenges in perspective, collaborate on problems and grow in confidence. At the same time, business leaders benefit from first-hand insight into leadership challenges in a school environment. And deliver their Learning and Development and Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

So it’s been a privilege to help them tell their brand story, develop their messaging and write copy for their lead marketing materials. And it’s hugely gratifying to receive the stakeholder feedback, which included (if you’ll forgive a little unashamed personal trumpet-blowing):

“We are so happy with what you've done - the tone, the emphasis, the way the stories flow - it's fantastic.”

“To be honest, this is an outstanding piece of work - it’s brilliant and nothing to add from me.”

“It is a very powerful document. I can't see anything I would change or improve!”


Vodafone Foundation Brand Storytelling and Messaging


Christian Aid Brand Storytelling, Tone and Messaging